Warner Super Scarab 165

The 165 Warner is a seven cylinder, air cooled, radial, direct drive, unsupercharged engine.
It has a displacement of 500 cu. in. and a compression ratio of 6.4:1.
The bore is 4.625 in. and stroke of 4.25 in. It is rated at 165 hp at 2100 rpm.

Baffles off

Cylinders off

Valve mechanism removed

Back case half off

Thrust bearing loosened

Table full of parts

All the parts cleaned and ready to assemble

Crankshaft parts

Front crankcase and assembled crankshaft

Rear crankcase and assembled front half

Assembled crankcase

Induction housing ready to install

Accessory drive gears installed

Finished crankcase assembly rear view

Front view of crankcase

Parts for one cylinder

Cylinder assembled

Installed on crankcase


All seven installed

Valve linkage parts

Rocker bearings assembled

Front view of finished motor

Rear view