1940 Piper J-3 Cub

Before: The Cub as it arrived by trailer.

Lower longerons had many holes.

Glenn welding in a new longeron.

Installing the interior fabric

Ready for color

Interior is finished

Instrument panel finished.

Engine mount on, tail finished and ready to install.

Fuselage is finished

Tail finished

Brandyn disassembling the wing

The wings ready for cover

Top fabric installed ready to shrink.

Rib lacing in progress

Wings ready for silver

Silver is on

Brandyn sanding. Color is next.

Color going on

Color is finished

Wings jumping into place

Engine parts ready to assemble

Almost together

Final assembly

First pull startup

Second run

High speed taxi test.
The new runway is REALLY smooth??? (oops!!!)

Floats finally finished

First test flight

After: Flying again!