Hispano-Suiza E-4

This motor is a Hispano-Suisa built under license by the Wright Aeronautical Corporation and is technically a Model E-4 Wright Aircraft engine. By 1921 there were seven models built in the U.S. with varying power and performance. All the models had the same construction and were water cooled 90 degree V-8 with overhead camshaft except the T series which was a V-12. The 718 cubic inch E-4 produced 240 HP at 2100 RPM

View of the carburetor

Kenny starting disassembly

Water pump is off

Water pump mount and oil pump

Oil pump is off

Taking off the valve cover

View of the camshaft

ClickCylinders off

View of the crankcase

Lower case off and view of the crankshaft

Crankcase is bare

View of the cylinders and crankshaft with connecting rods

Fabricating a new valve

Turning the head

Boring the stem

Everything cleaned and ready to assemble

Fuel pump parts

Finished fuel pump

Carburetor parts

Finished carburetor

Oil pump parts

Finished oil pump

Water pump parts

Finished water pump

Water pump mounted onto Oil pump

Parts for 1 magneto

Finished magnetos

Fitting bearings

Crankshaft installed

Lower case with oil pump and water pump installed

Crankcase finished

Valve parts

Cylinder block waiting for valves

Pistons and parts and cylinder block

Left pistons installed

Cylinder block going into place

Pistons in the bores

Camshaft installed

Left side finished

Both sides on

Finished rear view

Finished front view

Hoisting into the aeroplane

Finished motor installed